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My first few days at the NYSC camp

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We were woken up the second day with an alarm. The first alarm signaled us to wake up while the second alarm was for us to assemble for our morning drills.

At the assembly ground we were briefed by the state director of NYSC Ogun State. We were promised by the NYSC-state director that we shall all be fully registered before our official induction into the NYSC scheme on Friday. We were also thought the NYSC anthem.

I must say here that the promise of the state director NYSC was not fulfilled. As at the time of our official induction into the NYSC more than 500 corps members were yet to be registered. I was one of the lucky ones that got registered before the induction. However, by Sunday every NYSC corps member was registered.

The first few days at the NYSC orientation camp was a bit tedious. Most of us were not physically fit and the morning drills were a bit too much for us, but with time we adapted to life at the NYSC camp.

Our situation was not helped by the weather. It was raining cats and dog. This meant that after the drills our white canvass and to some extent our white shorts were stained with mud. This meant we had to wash them after every drill.

However, at a point we got tired of washing the canvass, so we wore them like that to the parade ground. We figured out that if everybody's canvass was dirty it will not be easily noticed since they will all look uniform. Besides we had washed the canvass so much that whether we washed them or not they do not get any cleaner.

In summary our first few days at the NYSC camp was fun. There was still excitement in the air. The NYSC fatigue was yet to set in.



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